Molly goes shopping (original title in Swedish: Malla handlar) is a children´s book, written
and illustrated by Swedish writer Eva Eriksson. It was nominated for best children’s book of the year in 1998 in Sweden.
In 2000, composer Klas Widén wrote a musical based on the book for Unga Riks, the youth section of Sweden’s national touring theatre, Riksteatern.
The production was directed by Elisabeth Frick and was a huge success. Riksteatern toured the musical throughout Sweden, and to Central America and Japan. Because the narrative is not as dependent on spoken words as most theatrical pieces, it was easily understood by audiences in different countries.
The musical has since been translated into several languages and to date has been performed in the countries listed below. It has recently been translated into English.
Sweden: Malla handlar - Unga Riks 2000 Director Elisabeth Frick
Germany: Bella geht einkaufen - Staatstheater Wiesbaden 2003 Director Stefan Schletter
Norway: Majja gavppasa – Beaivvas Sami Teáhter 2005 Director Svein B. Olsen
Denmark: Malle og mormor - Börneteatret Skaegspire 2006 Director Sören Skjold